Why Take Supplements For Joint Pain


I used to hate it when someone would tell me how things were going to change or get harder as I got older. I would think – don’t tell me how I’m going to age! I’m healthy and doing everything right so things might be different for me!

And then I hit my 40s. I was ok for a while but now, in my mid-40s, I am experiencing more aches and pains. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve just gone through a very stressful time in my life or because of general aging. But either way – it’s not fun and it’s affecting how hard I can train in the gym. I’m determined to get rid of it as much as I can.

Self-care, stress management and an anti-inflammatory diet are definitely part of the equation when it comes to quelling the inflammation that causes pain. However, at this stage in my life, I know I need extra help and that’s where supplements come in.

The supplements I’ll talk about here are my favourite ones for helping with pain and inflammation in my 40s. At the moment, I am taking all of them because it’s really important to get on top of the inflammation and I need some extra help.

*It’s important that you do your own research when it comes to supplements and make sure what you are taking is safe in your situation, especially if you have any special considerations like health problems or medications. The dosages listed below are simply what I am taking based on my own research and the recommendations on the supplement label. 


Supplements For Joint Pain


Curcumin – A Powerhouse For Inflammation


Curcumin is exciting because it works similar to popular anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen. It’s my favourite supplement for reducing joint pain because you can actually feel it working within an hour or so of taking it.

I’ve taken curcumin acutely to deal with pain for many years including:

-period pain

-ear aches

-toothaches, and


More recently I was sick with overall body ache and pain. I took curcumin and it would knock the pain out for many hours.

When I’m taking supplements I like taking ones that have multiple benefits and curcumin is certainly a powerhouse when it comes to longevity. I won’t go into all the benefits here (you can read more about curcumin in this article) but I wanted to mention that curcumin is good for the brain because it’s relevant for us as aging women. Research shows numerous brain benefits including helping with depression and anxiety and possibly slowing and preventing dementia.

One other thing I’ll mention – for those of you who followed my hysterectomy journey – I had some lingering breast tenderness post-surgery and I knew from my own previous research that curcumin has been shown in studies to have positive effects on estrogen receptors in the breast. There are also many studies on curcumin for it’s anticancer effects related to breast cancer. This was another reason I chose to take curcumin to help with joint pain – I thought it might also help with the breast tenderness and it did! The tenderness is gone since I’ve been taking curcumin.



NOW FOODS TUMERIC CURCUMIN PHYTOSOME (with Meriva), 1000mg/day, usually with breakfast because I go to the gym an hour or two after eating and the curcumin will be in my system to help prevent aches and pains while training

  • Curcumin is fat-soluble which means that your body uses curcumin better when you have it with fat. Try to take it at the same time as you are consuming some sort of fat (ie. fish oil or a meal with some fat).
  • There is evidence that curcumin and fish oil work synergistically to lower inflammation so take the two of them together.


Ginger – Natural Pain Reliever


Much like curcumin, ginger works on similar inflammatory pathways and enzymes to reduce inflammation and pain.

In my experience ginger is similar to curcumin in what it can do to reduce pain. I’ve used it over the years mainly to reduce low level period pain. After I became a Nutrition Coach and figured out how to eat to avoid period pain, I wouldn’t get much but very occasionally I might get some low level cramps. Ginger was often enough to knock them out. For that reason, I have always had ginger in my house.

If I had to choose between curcumin and ginger, I would probably choose curcumin as I’ve found it is slightly more effective for me – but ginger is very affordable and has some other benefits including reducing stomach upset and nausea. I like having both of them in my house so I can choose between them depending on what’s going on. At the moment, I am taking both of them – curcumin in the morning and ginger at night.

SImilar to the curcumin, not every brand is going to work for you. If you try ginger and don’t feel anything, try another brand. I’ve tried many ginger supplements and only the one below has worked for me. If you are interested in reducing period pain as well I have a video about a period supplement that includes ginger which has also worked for me. You can watch it here.



NOW FOODS GINGER EXTRACT, 1000mg/day (4 capsules), after dinner


Fish Oil – Essential For Lowering Inflammation


Fish oil is the most obvious supplement when you are dealing with inflammation. Our modern diets have way too much omega 6 fatty acids and not enough omega 3s, and this is a big cause of inflammation. Unless you are regularly eating fatty fish, you probably aren’t getting enough omega 3s.

I normally take fish oil regularly but I had actually stopped using it for the past couple months just because I ran out and was trying too keep expenses down. You don’t feel fish oil working so it’s a supplement that I think a lot of people take for a while and then forget about – just like I did.

However, if you are trying to lower inflammation and you want one supplement that’s great for your overall health – including your brain health and longevity – it makes sense to take fish oil.



XTENDLIFE OMEGA 3/DHA FISH OIL, 1 serving = 1.1g omega 3s


Reducing Joint Pain & Inflammation With Lifestyle


Remember that supplements are meant to “supplement” your diet and lifestyle. There’s no point in trying to lower inflammation with supplements if you aren’t also trying to reduce inflammation through your lifestyle. If, like me, you are experiencing more inflammation and joint pain than normal your body is trying to tell you something. What needs to change in your life?

For many people, the first thing that needs to change is diet. However, it’s also important to have a smartly designed training program that will strengthen your body in a way that supports joint health and longevity. Most training programs don’t do that, especially if they are designed by younger trainers.

If you want a Meal Plan and Training Program that will help you build a healthier, stronger body, check out my Over 40 Transformation Program. 

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