My husband keeps commenting on how my butt looks like a totally different woman and won’t quit grabbing it 😉 so that right there might be the biggest compliment I can give you!
And my measurements are good too! I’ve been showing them to my co-workers! My clothes are fitting better and I feel like I’m over the hump and it’s all getting easier, and I’m much much stronger and have more energy! Overall I’m ecstatic! But the cooler part is that I don’t want to stop, like this isn’t some goal I want to get to, this is what I want from here on out – you know? Like it’s not a short term fix – it’s the life fix and it’s easy now that it’s a habit and I feel so good. ❤️
Learn more about Magen’s program:
Over 40 Transformation Program

Magen’s Before And After – First 8 Weeks

Magen 9 Months Later

More From Magen’s Journey

Some of my best client transformations have been women in their 40s and 50s.
I know it’s intimidating and exciting at the same time. I work with a small group of women and I promise I am here for you every step of the way.
As soon as you are ready.