Female Motivation, Over 40
Maybe I’m Just Getting Old Feeling irritable or emotional? Tired? Always have aches and pains? Maybe you think this is just how it feels to get old and you worry this is your new normal. I certainly have those days. But I want you to consider that...
Female Motivation, Videos
Enough Is Enough! Stop Trying To Lose Weight There comes a point in time when enough is enough. It’s time to stop struggling with your body and focus on things you love about yourself. I know it’s easier said than done – but we have to...
Female Hormones, Female Motivation
Have you noticed at certain times your lady seems kinder, more feminine, sexier? You can’t keep your hands off her and she treats you like some kind of hero. Things are fantastic when she’s like this. But it never lasts – does it? Almost overnight her mood...
Female Hormones, Female Motivation
Does it seem like sometimes you are this amazing woman who has it all together and then all of a sudden – often overnight – things completely go to pieces? It’s as though you have two personalities. One is a loving, stable and competent woman who feels good in...
Female Hormones, Female Motivation
Do You Have Premenstrual Meltdowns? You’ve heard of PMS and PMDD – but what about PMM? PMM refers to premenstrual meltdowns. Okay. So that’s my own made-up term but for those of you who have severe PMS mood swings – you know they’re real. ...