What Mistakes Are You Making?


If you feel stuck, it’s likely you are making at least one of these mistakes when it comes to counting calories. It’s not as hard as you think but you have to put in the work – especially in the beginning when it feels most difficult. Over time it becomes easier, you’ll feel more balanced and you’ll actually start getting results. Let’s dive in!


MISTAKE #1: Not Consistently Counting Calories


Why do you have to be so consistent when it comes to counting calories? Isn’t it ok to “wing it” sometimes?

Maybe. But it’s really clear from my work with so many women over the years that the ones who are most consistent with calorie counting get the best results.

Ladies who aren’t consistent with calorie counting tend to struggle and stay stuck at the same weight.

If you find yourself stuck at a certain weight consistent calorie control is the only way to get things moving. Don’t blame age, stress, hormones or anything else unless you have the basics sorted out. When it comes to weight loss the most important factor is creating a calorie deficit.

As I always explain to my clients, when you get stuck – it’s really hard to help you and to make decisions if you haven’t been tracking every day. If you are stuck, data provides the answer to get things moving. You simply adjust and consume slightly less calories until we can get weight loss happening.

Sporadic calorie counting makes it impossible to understand what’s going on because I can’t see what’s happening on the days you don’t track. Even if you aren’t working with me, you’ll likely think you are making a big effort and tracking most of the time. However, if we added up all the calories you aren’t entering we will – in almost all cases – find out why you are stuck. You are over consuming and not being accountable for it.

This is such a simple explanation but it’s not as easy in practice. This is what consistent calorie counting looks like:

  1. Tracking calories every day.
  2. Estimating and entering calories when you don’t know for sure (ie. when eating out).
  3. Fully recording each day.

I know counting calories is difficult. But it’s also difficult to stay stuck and dissatisfied with your body and efforts so you have to decide which is more painful for you.


MISTAKE #2: Viewing Calorie Counting As Restrictive


Stop thinking about calorie counting as restrictive and instead think of it as a tool that helps you learn about your body.


Your mindset about calorie counting needs to change. You must stop viewing calorie counting as restrictive and instead view it as a tool to help you learn about your body and get results.

Calorie counting is a data gathering exercise about your body. Most women don’t fully understant their bodies so we have to get as much information as possible. The first thing you are trying to learn with calorie counting is exactly how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Then you want to know how many calories can you eat to lose weight. It’s very interesting to me that the ladies who tend to have the best bodies always know their maintenance calories and tend to be pretty savvy with macros as well.

Do you know your maintenance calories? Maintenance calories refers to the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your weight. This is the starting point for weight loss and if you don’t know it – the only way to find out is through consistently tracking calories.

So many women tell me in the first weeks of my Premium Coaching Program where we monitor calories together that they are learning about the foods they eat and they are surprised by the calories, carbohydrates and sugar that they were eating. This happens even to ladies who think they’ve been eating reasonably well!

Another way of viewing this is that calorie counting is not about restricting the amount of calories but rather learning how many calories you can eat and still get results. This is a really different way of thinking – more of a cup half full than empty approach to weight loss. In my work I encourage my ladies to eat as much as possible rather than as little as possible. So we are always trying to find how high we can push calories and still lose weight.

The truth is every diet is restrictive because you need to lower your caloric intake if you want to lose weight. Calorie counting teaches you about your body and it’s way less restrictive than following extreme diets because once you learn your caloric requirements you have so much more flexibility in what you eat.


MISTAKE #3: Freestyling Calorie Counting


The final mistake relates to the practical side of calorie counting. Most people count calories throughout the day which means they have to open their calorie counting app multiple times a day. This is a real pain.

Creating new habits is hard so you should always be trying to make thing simpler and when it comes to calorie counting that means finding a time each day where you enter your entire day of eating in. Ideally this is done before you start your day so you know what you will be eating and you don’t “freestyle” your calories and eating.

By planning ahead you also take the guesswork out of eating – you’ll know exactly what you are supposed to be eating which is going to make staying on track so much easier.


Finding Your Balance


I don’t think anyone really love counting calories but they love what it does for them.

If you view calorie counting as a tool that will help you feel more satisfied and balanced in the long run, it makes it easier to stick with it. However, before you can find balance you have to do the work. 

If you want some help be sure to check out my Premium Program that includes calorie counting, weekly support, a Meal Plan, a Training Program and more!


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