And my life needed changing… I was an exhausted, stressed out, cheese addicted, stay-at-home mom of a 1.5 year old, when my weight reached a record high. I came across Female Fitness Systems through an online search and had great success with losing weight, but soon enough our family expanded again and we had a second child!
However, my life was almost cut short bringing him into the world. Emergency surgery and transfusions saved my life and with that, Melanie’s programs took on a whole new meaning. I was left with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what my body is capable of. I finally understood what Melanie had been trying to get across. It’s not just about the numbers on the scale going down but rather becoming the healthiest version of myself through consistent smart choices.
As Tolkien wrote “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I no longer just want to ‘check off’ my workouts or ‘hit X macros’. I actually look forward to my workouts and crushing my personal bests. Even having my little guys there with me, I’m surprised at how I’ve still managed to get things done. Sure workouts aren’t uninterrupted or timed perfectly, but results have still been possible. Plus they are great for added weight on hip thrusts and counting down my reps! It is a lot of hard work and dedication but I love that they get to see mommy getting healthy and can only hope I’m establishing an environment where they will learn to value their own health one day.
I’m so very grateful for the strong body Melanie is helping me achieve. Thank you Mel for what you do!

As a coach I love when I get to work with my ladies long term and Jenelle and I have been together through some big life changes – on both our parts. To me, Jenelle is especially dear because she lives “back home” near all my family and even though we have never met in person I feel like I know her very well.
One of my greatest pleasures in my job is when someone just starts to “get it.” I can remember that moment with Jenelle. All of a sudden the tone of her updates changed. She sounded so much more excited and confident. I honestly had chills of the good kind when I realized it was happening for her.
Jenelle started her journey with me on my Premium Program for extra support. These days she continues to do my online training programs so she has structure for her workouts. It’s always good to not have to plan your workouts when you are a busy mom! I will always be there for Jenelle to help her through any challenge or just to cheer her on but she now has the tools and traits to largely do this on her own. I’m so proud of her!